"The 'Leens" are what we called the two girls, Sabeline and Evangeline, that came from the collaborative litter of eight co-bred with Tammy Cook in 1990. Jericho and Medina stayed at Monarch, and the four enjoyed frequent reunions.

Pictured at the 1991 National Specialty are the four Champions from the litter at 7 months old with their parents.
Left to right they are: Ch. Sky Run Tellstar, Ch. Sylvan Flying Feathers, Monarch Golden Boy, Monarch Diamond Girl, Sylvan Evangeline and Sylvan Zibeline.
Sabeline was a star from the beginning, going Winners Bitch at the Borzoi Club of Greater New York Specialty at the tender age of 9 months. Before that year was out, she had earned a second 5 point major, and finished with a third one and Best of Breed at a BCOA supported entry.
Vanna got a late start on serious showing, as she took more than half a year off to mend a broken hind leg. She won the Bred By Exhibitor class at the 1992 National Specialty, and won all of her points from that class.
Jericho was co-breeder Tammy Cook Smith's choice from the litter and he lived up to expectations. Jericho finished entirely from Bred By Exhibitor class and though shown limitedly as a Special had numerous Group Placements . He received an Award of Merit at the 1992 National Specialty at the age of 20 months.
Medina completed her title quickly, with wins over Specials. She stayed with her
co-breeder Tammy Cook Smith and ruled the roost at Monarch Borzoi living well into her thirteenth year .